Lately it seems that the majority of my work focuses on the Common Core Standards (you may have heard of them). There is always some trepediation when a seemingly huge shift is about to happen. Eyes glaze over, faces go blank. and heads tilt to the side in that "really another change" stare. Currently we are in the process of developing an implementation plan to get our teachers ready for this new challenge.
We have had standards in Michigan for years (GLCEs) and I can honestly say, on the surface, the CCSS seem much more compact and meaningful than what we have had in Michigan. During our first meeting we spent time discussing the shifts, each ELA standard, and finally focusing on writing. There was a measurable wave of relief as we worked our way through the standards. The teachers know that they can do this and do this well!
As with anything new, products will follow. I noticed at MRA that there are many companies touting "Common Core Aligned" for many of their products and textbooks. Wow that was fast! I'll proceed with caution regarding these endorsements but I will say I have seen some quality information and books out there. Whether they are good solid retools of old favorites or new insights into what is on the horizon, they offer valid ideas!
Common Core Shifts...
First Focus-MAISA writing units.
Learning Targets and I Can statements
It seems as if every state is jumping on the CCSS bandwagon as well by putting out their own documents.
North Carolina
Back to the title of my post the conundrum, I feel, will lie in the assessment piece that is coming down the road. There will be no tears shed by Michigan educators when the MEAP test is retired but how will the new assessment affect us all. How this puzzle piece fits with our newly adopted standards remains to be seen.