Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Why I love Daily 5...

As I cruise through the two buildings I work in, I love to peek my head inside doors to see Daily 5 in action. You see my role encompasses all things Title I, but I don’t actually have my own classroom of students. Our district became interested in Daily 5 about three years ago, at that point I was out of my own classroom and into my consulting role. I excitedly participated in reading the books, visiting other districts, and helping the teachers research. Last year they dove in headfirst and WOW I am so impressed. The authentic reading, increased stamina, and student conferring just brings a smile to my face. Of course I can’t forget the data-the data is great! We all know that for better, or worse, data is what people look for.
Along the way, there have been bumps in the road. How can we fit in all 5? (We can’t, we get in three.) Where will we get the word work materials? (We get creative and tap every funding resource we can.) My listening center is toast! (We write grants for MP3s, burn CDs, use Audacity, etc…) They will never sit still and read. (They do, we’ve proven it. We have classrooms with 30-40 minutes of stamina!) What about my behavior issue child? (Barometer children; we’ve brainstormed and collaborated as a staff to work this out and share possible solutions.) Our Daily 5 isn’t perfect but it is oh so good…
Students are in good fit books, reading at their level, for a good portion of the day!
Teachers know their students better than ever by conferring.
Authentic work (not busy work) is being done by students, whether it is word work or work on writing.
Our data is growing stronger.
Children are showing a love of reading!
The last reason is so important to me! The teachers I work with have noticed this too. We all know, to get better at an activity we need to practice. For a child to become a better reader, they need to read more. We know this as teachers, but amazingly, it doesn’t always happen in our classrooms. When I peak into a Daily 5 room I see kids reading, authentic meaningful reading. I know they will become better readers for it!

Daily 5 Resources:

The Daily 5/Cafe Site
Mrs. Maiolo's 2nd Grade Website
Daily 5 Pinterest Board
Daily 5 Literacy Connections
Daily 5 Youtube Videos
Awesome Resource Page of Ideas

There are many, many others available!  If you are interested in, or fine tuning, the Daily 5, there are also Wikis, online bulletin boards, chat rooms, Pinterest boards, and Twitter!  So many answers out there, so many resources to tap into, you don't have to go it alone!

My number one suggestion is to visit a Daily 5 room and see for yourself.  There is nothing as amazing (not even the smell of new school supplies)!

Go to "The CAFE Book: Engaging All Students in Daily Literary Assessment and Instruction" page

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