Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Leadership Lessons

This week I have the pleasure of working as a facilitator at the MiELA Network's Professional Learning for Literacy Leaders Conference.  There are so many amazing things going on at this conference including exciting keynotes, grade level break outs, and encore "after conference" sessions.  Trust me, check out their website below for more information.

MiELA Website

Apparently, since I am a facilitator at this conference, I am considered a literacy leader.  Seems like a daunting title.  I definitely approached this week with nervousness and intrepedation.  Do they really need me?   What in the world could I teach people?  There won't be an evaluation at the end will there?  As I stood in the room of the breakout session of second grade teachers it hit me, I wasn't there to lead them, I was there to work with them.  We are all learning from each other.  Each person has a different story, classroom experience, tip, or frustration to share.  Our knowledge of writing workshop is all over the map.  Our districts are all over the mitten (Michigan reference).  Our teaching experience ranged from newbie to salty old dog.  It makes no difference because we are all here to learn more about writing, writing workshop, and the MAISA writing units.  Bottom line, we are all here to figure out together "what's best for our kids"!

To be in such a unique professional learning community is inspiring and encouraging.  You may not feel that is within your reach but it is.  There are many ways to stay in touch with other educators to keep that "great workshop buzz" feeling all year long.

Explore the world of Twitter.  You can connect with educators all over the world.  Tweet an education question to the "Twitter World" and get answers from all over.  Many of your favorite educational gurus are on Twitter as well.  You can read their snippets of wisdom and be inspired daily.

Adobe Connect or Google +
Set up a group of like minded educators on Adobe Connect of Google +.  This will enable you to keep in touch after a conference throughout the year.  So beneficial if you are implementing a new practice or the only educator trying something in your building.  Share your questions, celebrations, and frustrations from the comfort of your living room!

Become a blog reader.  This link will take you to a list of excellent educational blogs but there are so many more out there.  A blog is a great way to stay up to the mind on educational practices.  Again there is often that interactive piece; post a question or comment and you will most likely get a response.

Pro Teacher Forum or A-Z Forum
Try out a forum if you prefer a more anonymous experience.  Read boards and learn from other people's experiences.  Post questions are receive help almost instantly.  Forums are great ways to get topic or grade level specific.

This week makes me aware that we can't thrive as a teacher alone.  We need communities to talk, collaborate, and express ourselves with.  If you don't have that in your school hallway or building get out and find yourself a professional learning community.  They are out there waiting for you! So I suppose I am a literacy leader, but so is each and every person in Room 204 (and 203, and 201, etc., etc.) but we need each other to reach our full potential.  And to help our students reach theirs!

If you are nervous or intimidated about being a leader, hopefully this video will inspire you...
Leadership Lessons

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